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December 11 2014 4 11 /12 /December /2014 01:51
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September 2 2014 2 02 /09 /September /2014 01:53
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September 2 2014 2 02 /09 /September /2014 01:40

linkEaster-Island.gif It Is amazing what our ancient ancester were capable of, able to lift those huge building block I think they  did understanding anti-gravity wound'nt you agree!

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June 11 2014 3 11 /06 /June /2014 01:31

The-Sun.jpg   After  a long sever Winter  the hot sunny days are now here, so I want share with you some sunshine. The sun tempertureare around 100.000.000 degree F. Different part of the Sun rotate at different speed. The Sun  average distance  is aproximately 500,000,000  km from Earth. Five million Earth could fit inside the sun. so we all can now see  how important the Sun is to our well being. CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERSSSS

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April 30 2014 3 30 /04 /April /2014 00:34

Spring is here oooops what a rush: Spring is  good for all of us and all life forms, it make us feel very cheerful, when this happen we show more of a great appreciation for life and our surrounding. So since spring is here for all of us lets all enjoy.

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March 12 2014 3 12 /03 /March /2014 23:03

chopstick-5.jpgChopsticks have been in use for more than 10.000 years. Chinese claim that the knife and fork are leftovers from barbaric cultures.

You won't master the use of chopstick right away, its like a work of art, all it takes is abit of practice. in Taiwan and Hong Kong its is said that the more spot you leave on the table, the more you enjoy your meal.

Experiment! Order something different, try different stir-fry and combine it witha Szechwan dish.

Try to pick up nuts and you'll be consider a master chopstick user.

1. The chopstick goes between the the tip of your thumb and the tip of your index and middle finger moving freely

2. The chopstickalways between the thumb and fore finger, it remain in a fused position.

So don't be shy try it. 

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February 21 2014 5 21 /02 /February /2014 03:43

Fall and the Maple leaf the sign of things to come. This was created using Masonite maple leaf an Acrylic
by rejectmyart

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February 21 2014 5 21 /02 /February /2014 03:36

Universal Eye
Universal Eye
The eye of the Universe painted on Masonite medium Acrylic
by rejectmyart

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February 21 2014 5 21 /02 /February /2014 03:36

The Wave
The Wave
The Wave Masonite and Acrylic
by rejectmyart

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February 21 2014 5 21 /02 /February /2014 03:35

The Wall
The Wall
The wall sometimes get it's vibratory influence from vegetation isn't It marvelous (Acrylic On Masonite An then Digitally Modified
by rejectmyart

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  • : rejectmyart's name
  • : Hi! there, first of all I am an artist self taught since early childhood my passion for fine arts and dancing has been apart of me. these topics you see in my blog is any thing to with ancient art and culture, architecture ,Fine art and it political influence in our society. Music play a big part , we can't live without music the universe itself is made of musical vibration. Colours and it effect on society
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